Florida Homeschooling

Anyone new to homeschooling has questions. To help you navigate through the vast amounts of information about homeschooling, we've compiled the best resources, support, information, and ideas to help you make your decision to homeschool and to successfully home educate your children. Florida is full of resources that can help make homeschooling fun and enjoyable for every member of your family. Here are some common questions:

What's Popular
Home Educators' Network of Central Florida
Home Educators' Network of Central Florida is a homeschooling group in Central Florida (Orlando area). They provide mentors to new homeschoolers, hold classes and co-ops including art, book club, history, science and foreign language, and also meet for social interaction, playdates and fun.
District Contact Information (Home Schools)
This is a complete listing by school district of district contacts for home schools. Includes names, phone numbers, fax numbers, and email addresses.
1007.27 Articulated acceleration mechanisms.
(4) It is the intent of the Legislature to provide articulated acceleration mechanisms for students who are in home education programs, as defined in s. 1002.01, consistent with the educational opportunities available to public and private secondary school students. Home education students may participate in dual enrollment, career dual enrollment, early admission, and credit by examination. Credit earned by home education students through dual enrollment shall apply toward the completion of a ...
Beaches Museum & History Center
Experience the world of Beaches pioneers for yourself at the Beaches Museum & History Center. Enjoy the interactive, informative, and intriguing look at the area's heritage through exhibits and firsthand accounts designed to bring the rich history of the Beaches communities to life. Our First Coast shores enjoy a deep and diverse heritage. Travel back to the past and get to know the people and events that shaped the area.
Lakeland Homeschool PE
Lakeland Homeschool PE is a support group providing fitness activities for homeschoolers.
Black Archives at the Union Bank
Completed in 1841 when Florida was still a territory, the Union Bank is the state's oldest surviving bank building. Chartered to help finance local cotton plantations, it ultimately closed because of crop failures, the Second Seminole War, and poor management. After the Civil War, it reopened as the Freedman's Savings and Trust Company for emancipated slaves and later served several other functions. In 1971, the Bank was moved from its original site, and, after restoration, it was opened as a mu...
Clay County Public Library
403 Ferris St. Green Cove Springs, FL 32043 Phone: 904-284-6315 The Clay County Public Library serves Green Cove Springs, Fleming Island, Keystone Heights, Middleburg, and Orange Park.
Flagler County School Board
Contact information for the Flagler County School Board.
NOAH Discussion
This is an offshoot of the North Okaloosa Association of Homeschoolers announcement list and is an open forum discussion list to chat about local events, ideas, prayer requests, curriculum, and related topics.
Chipola College Library
The Chipola College Library serves as an integral part of the college’s instructional program. The Library pro-vides print and non-print materials to support the course offerings of the college and to support the pro-fessional and personal growth of the faculty, staff, ad-ministration, and students. The Chipola College Library is an information resource center providing books, magazines, periodicals, and newspapers. Computers offer Internet access to online databases of full text periodicals and...
Apalachicola Municipal Library
74 6th Street Apalachicola, FL 32320-1750 Phone: 850-653-8436 Apalachicola Municipal Library is a Public library. This library is the central facility for the library system that serves Apalachicola, FL.
Willow Creek Home Educators
WCHE is a ministry of Willow Creek Church, PCA, operating as a home school support group. They have many activities planned throughout the year, including field trips, events and clubs for all ages, as well as two 8-week co-op class sessions (fall and spring).
Florida Institute of Technology Botanical Gardens
Thirty acres of lush subtropical growth and natural streams comprise the Florida Tech Botanical Gardens. The main site of the university's extensive palm collection, the Gardens are derived from a palm/hardwood hammock that Florida Tech has preserved since moving to this location. Several paved and earthen paths wind through the Gardens, allowing visitors easy access to most areas within the Gardens. Numerous Seminole-style chikis around the Gardens provide places to rest and contemplate the exo...
Indian River Home School Association
The Indian River Home School Association serves home educating families in Indian River, St. Lucie, and Brevard counties.
Dunedin Public Library
223 Douglas Avenue Dunedin Florida 34698 Phone: 727-298-3080 Founded in 1895, the Dunedin Public Library is the oldest library in Pinellas County. Today the Library occupies a 38,000 sq. ft. building opened in October 1996, and provides an extensive variety of services and programs. Open seven days a week, the Library has an outstanding collection of print and non-print materials and offers a variety of services and programs for all ages that educate, entertain, and inform. Check out a n...
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Florida History from the Highways
Discover Florida, with its unique geography and exciting history--from ancient gold to modern real estate speculation--by journeying along its highways. Beginning with a chronology and succinct account of Florida's spectacular development, then an ac...
The Mystery of History
The Mystery of History series is another alternative to traditional textbooks. The five volume set covers history from creation to present day, with a biblical worldview. This series is intended for grades K-8. Note that at this time, this series is ...
Elementary Geography
Elementary Geography is a reprint of the original work by Charlotte Mason. It includes her ideas about teaching children about their world, with poetry selections throughout the book. Explores ideas of place from space to our earth, seasons, map...
Serving Homeschooled Teens and Their Parents (Libraries Unlimited Professional Guides for Young Adult Librarians Series)
This guide for librarians addresses the needs of homeschooled teens and how a library can meet those needs. Includes ideas like developing a homeschool resource and book collection to creating special homeschool programs. While this book was written ...
Only Child: Writers on the Singular Joys and Solitary Sorrows of Growing Up Solo
Only children don’t have to share bedrooms, toys, or the backseat of a car. They don’t have to share allowances, inheritances, or their parents’ attention. But when they get into trouble, they can’t just blame their imaginary friends. In Only Child, ...
Quote of the Day

Everything that can be counted does not necessarily count; everything that counts cannot necessarily be counted.

Albert Einstein